Leverage your survey data to strengthen relationships with partners, investors, or consumers.
Ask the right questions. Successfully deploy global surveys and collect quality data. Extract actionable insights. Produce stunning reports that resonate and draw in your stakeholders.
SRC provides end-to-end survey solutions.
Survey planning, preparation, and fielding
Clarify your survey goals. Design survey questions. Localize. Test. Field. Collect. We ensure your survey is executed the right way, so the data collected meets the intended goals.
Survey data automation
One of the biggest challenges clients report is the time-consuming activity of processing the survey data and getting the survey data ready for analysis. We can program the data extraction and processing workflow to save time and prevent errors.
Survey data analysis
What stories do your survey data tell? We'll find out. Using statistical methods to remove the noise, we uncover the significant insights and relevant trends you want to use to connect with a wide range of stakeholders.
Survey reports
Reports for internal decision making or external marketing (blog posts, PR, news, or research page). Expert visual storytellers - we create the chart and narrative to best communicate the information.